

Friday, 9 December 2011

The Spanish Experience

While I was in Murcia, I had one of the best times of my life. the experiences I had and the friends I've made will stay with me forever.

It was exciting to see how the culture and way of life differs to ours and how their city works. We got the opportunity to be invited into the lives of Spanish people and and experience how they live on a daily basis. I discovered specialities in food and drink and learned which dishes are traditional in Murcia. In the five days that I was there I visited different cities and saw many monuments.

My host family were very welcoming and loving and I felt at home when I stayed with them. Blanca was my host and we became great friends.

We went into school with the Spanish students and saw how their education system is run - during the school days we had a tour of the school, joined lessons and tasted traditional food from all of the countries involved in the project.

It was a fulfilling trip and I would recommend it to anyone. If someone asked me to go back, there is no way I would refuse!

Sarah Kelly

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Murcia ? What a wonderful trip !

By Anne-Sophie, Belgium

It was for me a great experience as well for de cultural aspect as the human aspect.
So interesting to meet people from other countries and discover how they live, what's different at school,..

We also had the opportunity to discover the food specialities of each country thanks to the lunch we shared with all the exchange students.
Even if I didn't spent a lot of time with my exchange student I had the chance to spent more time with other students and made new friends!
I will remember this experience like one of the best I had during my studies and the richest one, socially speaking.
Each country is different but deep down everyone is the same. I think that's the message that such project passes.
Thanks to everyone for making my trip a wonderful one !

Monday, 5 December 2011

Why was it so awesome!? By Martin, Belgium

What's better than five days in a family as welcoming as my family in Spain, having met people from all over Europe? Life was very different, but so nice. I had never imagined going to Spain with the school in a such a free way. I discovered the food and drink typical of the region, the mountain sceneries,the city of Murcia... And what pleased me most was the people. My family was so nice that I cried (yeah, a little bit… Just a 'tear') at the airport when I had to leave my brother and my father, it was really sad. I also enjoyed meeting the whole family, and grandmother who will forever be etched in my mind. "Tu es très joli!" (You're so beautiful!) I also had the opportunity to participate to a demonstration in the center and to be with young people from Murcia outside the school. Being at school was also very nice, I could play music, enjoy relaxation, losing volleyball and being with these very nice students from England, Poland and the beloved Spanish. I loved this trip. I’m going to return to Murcia, one day, to see the people I met there.

My trip to Murcia… By Perrine (Belgium)

I want to say it’s not easy for me to tell about my trip because these 5 days were just perfect and I made a lot of activities. What I am going to write is just a summary…
The title of the current project is «Europe United ». We worked together for that (other schools from Comenius). in Murcia, we spoke a lot about Belgium.
On Monday, we had a meal together: each representative had bought typical food of their country. It was really good and pleasant because I spoke with all the people. When visiting the school, we talked about our school (for example : timetable, subjects,…). The school system in other countries is very different. I would like to have the school system from Murcia.: each day, they start at 8.30 and they finish at 14.30.
In the school and with other people from the project, we just spoke English but at home, I spoke English with Mari and with the rest of family I tried my Spanish because they didn’t know any English so I think I learned a lot.

I was lucky because I was in a great family, I visited a lot of monuments, cities and museums
Mari is the girl who I was all the time with. She is just WONDERFUL and her family too !
I discovered a lot of things and typical food from Spain! I really miss Spanish people…

I recommend that experience to other Belgian students because my trip was just amazing and if someone asks me to return now, I would answer : « YES OF COURSE »! It’s an experience that I will never forget because everything was great : Spanish people, sun, food, sea, school,…